So erhalten Sie Zugang zur digitalen Evaluierungsplattform von Better Boards
Mitglieder von Top-Gremien, Direktor:innen für Portfolioentwicklung von Private Equity Gesellschaften oder Partner:innen von Beratungsgesellschaften können direkt auf die Plattform zugreifen.
Mit einer Lizenz erhalten sie:
- Einblicke in unsere Forschung; Erläuterungen zu den „sieben Markenzeichen effektiver Top-Gremien“
- Hintergründe zu allen Aspekten der Evaluierungsplattform
- Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie Sie die Plattform für Ihre Evaluierungen, Ihre Entwicklungsprogramme beziehungsweise Dienstleistungen nutzen können
- Service und Support für Ihre Evaluierung(en)

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Was andere über uns sagen…
Better Board’s unique approach, which focuses more on the board’s development, is what makes this programme so successful. By evaluating the board through this different lens and providing the board with insights about themselves and their colleagues, their bespoke programmes can tangibly improve board effectiveness and better equip boards to deal with the challenges they face.

Better Boards product is better than anything else on the market and by quite some margin. It offers a completely fresh approach, which is much more rigorous but also more positive and supportive, than anything else currently on offer.

In my time, I have been involved in various board evaluation exercises. The reports created by Better Boards and presented by Sabine were the most insightful I have seen by quite some margin.

Better Boards did not offer yet another assessment but a research-based, data-driven, positive, forward-looking approach that helped us understand what we need to do to come together and become more effective as a Senior Leadership Team. Better Boards and Egon Zehnder worked as one team and experienced a seamless transition into the Egon Zehnder-led development programme.